Jeff Van Arsdale
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Events from the past year are displayed here. Please check below this section to see if pictures from these events are posted!
No event details are available from the past 12 months.
Phoenix 2016
Visit to Phoenix Children Hospital December 15, 2016. Twenty pilots from seven airlines joined us and visited 230 very special kids in the hospital. Pilots included Alison Glaser, Allison Ross, Lynsey Templeton, Jody Muhlitner, Andy Talbert, Nancy McMath, Jerry Johnson, Kenton Meehan, Tim Ellis, Rick Jansma, Lance Trobridge, Casey Clark, Alison Devereaux-Naumann, Jim Naumann, Mike Darnall, Scott Striclin, Michael Brucklier, and Dave Harmon. We brought a stuffed animal for each child and many items for the classrooms and playrooms for the kids to enjoy throughout the year. We are told that "the pilot visit" is one of the most anticipated of the year.